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A History Of Excellence

Yorkshire Tea: A Proper Brew

A History of Excellence

Yorkshire Tea has been a beloved staple in British households since the 1970s. Our commitment to using quality ingredients and traditional blending techniques has earned us a reputation for producing a truly exceptional cup of tea.

Sourcing the Finest Teas

At Yorkshire Tea, we source our tea leaves from the finest plantations in India, Sri Lanka, and Kenya. These carefully selected varieties are blended together to create our signature flavors, including Yorkshire Tea, Yorkshire Decaf, and Yorkshire Hardwater.

A Multitude of Blends

Our range of blends caters to every taste preference. Whether you prefer a classic Assam or a delicate Darjeeling, Yorkshire Tea has a blend to delight your palate.

A Traditional British Tradition

In the UK, a cup of Yorkshire Tea is more than just a beverage; it's a symbol of comfort and tradition. We enjoy it at breakfast, lunchtime, afternoon tea, and evening breaktimes. Yorkshire Tea is the perfect companion for any moment of the day.

Perfecting the Art of Blending

Our master blenders use their expertise to combine up to 20 different teas in just the right amounts. This meticulous layering of complimentary flavors results in a rich, smooth, and satisfying cup of tea that has become a favorite among tea enthusiasts worldwide.
